Sunday, October 14, 2007

Everybody in our household has been sick at some time the past three weeks and thankfully today we are ALL BETTER!
Alex is still enjoying preschool and comes home singing new songs in Spanish and English every day.
Santi has a few new words in his, more, milk, to add to the others: hola, byebye, mama, papa, ball, baby.
I'm not sure if he has a word for Alex yet...he seems to just yell in Alex's general direction to get his attention.
They are playing well together these days...They both pretend to be doggies together and crawl around, or they bang on drums or instruments together. Alex is less rough with Santi and Santi is claiming his rights more often. Overall they do well together and laugh alot.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Monday, October 01, 2007