Ah, and that leads me to good ole big brother Alex, how to describe this mixture of extreme behaviors? One minute he is saying in a very sing-songy voice:"HI SANTI, How are YOuuuuuuuuuuu?", and the next minute "SMACK", Santi has a red forehead and is screaming...or Alex silently bites his hand and Santi has a red hand with teeth marks and is screaming. Alex has a bit of a love-hate relationship for Santi and Santi is the most forgiving little person I know. I don't even think he remembers how much Alex beats up on him because he is all smiles all the time. I know Alex doesn't do things maliciously, but more out of curiosity or overzealousness...which is a trait most toddlers own.
I've heard from other friends with toddlers that roughhousing with little brother or sister is pretty normal...so I'm not too worried.
And Alex is really a sweet kid. I think being a toddler must be like going through puberty or some sort of life change, its rough! I mean, I put the sandwich together wrong and he has a total meltdown. But then he plays so sweetly and I read him a story and he listens so attentively. Or he chases a butterfly outside and seems so very happy. But then I put his pooh sticker on the wrong place on his shirt...and we go back to the meltdown. These days are days of ups and downs and I just have to remember to be kind to him and not speak in frustration because there are so many moments when I am SO frustrated with him. I think this only makes sense to people who have had a toddler. But at the end of the day, when I kiss the baby good night and he says...AH lahv you too mommy...it makes every frustration disappear and I go to sleep in love with my Alex.
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