When Alex was a newborn, a friend with an almost two-year old told me how much fun her son was at that age. I thought, hmmm that's something to look forward to. I had NO idea! Alex is soooo much fun now. He is spitting out so many new words everyday and doing silly little things that show me how much of his own person he is. He dances all the time, he sings and counts and reads in his imaginary language. Well the counting is actually pretty good, he can count dos tres and two three. He invented a new food...oreo cookies spread with peanut butter on the inside. Yum. He loves "pit-za" and animal cookies...but he mainly just admires the animal cookies and makes the respective animal sounds. He jumps (sort of) and kicks a ball like a pro two year old soccer player. He loves taking his "bash" (bath) at night and playing with a squirt gun "pish" (fish) he has. His bashtub is a big sterilite container...but he doesn't seem to mind as long as the water is not too hot or cold. He also drinks the water when I'm not paying attention and then says "mmmmmm". His favorite books right now are his Toddler Bible story lift the flap book that he got from Leine for his b-day last year and two books in spanish...How do dinousaurs count and How do Dinosaurs clean their rooms. I read them to him in Spanish because otherwise they don't rhyme. He is weaned now and it's so much easier to put him to bed at naptime and at night as well....phew. Now we just have to start all over again with a new baby :) (I'm not complaining though) I ask him where the baby is and he points to my belly. On Saturday he was playing so nicely and quietly outside I decided to wash some dishes....but then I realized he was toooo quiet. I went out and thought he had found a little worm in the yard. Then I noticed the worm was shiny and black and moving a lot like a snake! He had been poking at a baby racer or some type of black snake! I tried to catch it but it went into a hole in the grass! I guess I'll have to watch more carefully when he is outside. Also because he likes to put dirt and rocks on the bumpers of our cars. We finally starting using a cool backpack carrier with him and he LOVES it (thanks Michael and Sarah!). He wants to be in it all the time! I know that this is kind of in a rambling fashion, but Alex is with Daniel for a little while so I had to take advantage of the moment.