Here's el principe in his swing. It has started to droop so he's not been allowed to swing since the day we took this picture...I think it was on Wednesday. We have to fix it to make it safe again. Anyway, Alex is still coughing up a lung but seems to be doing better. He is sleeping all night! So, we're not as dead, but now Dany bought the whole first season of LOST so, instead of being up because Alex is up, we are up watching like four episodes every night! It's so good, by the way. We didn't get it here last year and now the show has just come onto Mexican tv networks, but it's dubbed in Spanish and it's last season, so we just bought it on dvd in english to watch it all. (ANYWAYS...enough about US!)
So, Alex is such a gift. Honestly, I was almost in tears yesterday as I watched him running around the playground in Burger King. He is a miracle really. Just to see this little living and breathing person we were blessed with. He really makes me smile. There is a little tinny sounding piano as part of the play area there and he kept banging on it and clapping for himself. Then a little girl came up and shoved him out of the way, as he tends to do to smaller kids. So he just ran around doing other things. He is so laid back...how did that happen??? But his temperament is starting to show a little more and he does pitch a fit every so often. He gets pretty upset when he wants to do something he can't figure out how to do, like get the drumstick out of the empty water jug. (after he dropped it in to see what would happen.) We're still stuck on the taking out/putting in phase... I tried to get him to color the other day but he preferred eating the crayons. We'll try again later on.
He is talking more everyday now. He has his repertoire of words in each language.
Spanish: agua, mas, pato, mamá, papá English: ball, pooh, balloon, banana, more, cheese, fish, shoes, quack, yeah( sounds like aaah) Both: no He also says Alex sometimes, he says it like this: aah-es He still doesn't say so many words but he understands a lot. If I ask him to throw something away, he will do it and then he'll make sure the top of the trash can is on straight too.
Yesterday I bought him a pooh poster at the "dollar" store (it's called Wald0's mart and everything costs 13 pesos.) It's pooh and tigger playing soccer. I put it up on his door and he LOVES it :) He really loves winnie the pooh. I have practically memorized every movie we have from hearing it over and over again. I keep telling Dany to buy a new one! They only cost 3 dollars anyway (bootlegged copies...shhhhh, we're not selling, just buying :).