Our little guy is really growing! He is rolling over now and everytime I peek into his bed at night, he is in a different spot! He so wants to crawl and chase his brother....everytime Alex runs by when Santi's playing on the floor, Santi bangs his arms and tries to raise up on his knees. It won't take him too long to figure it out I'm sure. He weighs over 15 pounds now, and I can really feel it because half the time he wants to be held. He likes to be upright, pulling at my hair, earrings or trying to grab my coffee cup! Today we watched him...he was more interested in a piece of bread and a cup of coffee than Alex's very colorful Donald Duck balloon! I guess he's ready to start eating now. I've given him a few spoonfuls of cereal on two different occasions but he didn't seem very interested. He will be 6 months old soon so I guess that's when I'll try it again. He loves being tossed into the air and swinging in Alex's outdoor swing. He likes grabbing anything he can and chewing on it...especially anything he can get from Alex. He grabbed Alex's bowl of oatmeal a few days ago and pulled it so hard it fell on the floor and cracked. Alex got very upset, took the can of baby rice cereal and put it in front of Santi and said: Here's your cereal, you broke mine!