All this month we have had a stand <------ at the Puebla May Fair, and almost daily I hear a little voice petitioning me with "fay-oh, mamà, go fay-oh?" So, we have been up the hill to the fair almost every day this month. Alex has ridden on a pony and done the euro-bungee jump at least three times each. The guy who runs the euro-bungee doesn't realize Alex literally has no fear of heights, so we have to keep telling him he wants to go higher. Alex says "up high!", but since the guy doesn't understand English...we have to translate. We have also ridden a few pregnant woman/child friendly rides. Alex wants us to take him on the roller coaster, or spinning type rides...I wonder what he'd do once he was on them! I know one thing, when he is older, we are going to be rollercoaster riders together (since his papi doesn't enjoy them). While we are at the fair, especially on busy days, we have to put a sort of kid-leash on Alex, so he won't get lost in the crowd. Lots of people stare at him pulling us along...but it's really the only way to keep track of him!